Thursday, September 13, 2012

Exciting News!

Hello everyone!

I have stopped by with some exciting news that I am just bursting to share!

By now, you know a lot about me, and a bit from my youngest, ditziest sister Lila. But I haven't really shared a lot about the middle child, Lucy.

Lucy is very gorgeous. She's black with some white patches, and my parents think she's part Siamese. She's VERY LOUD. And has a body like a Siamese, so that's how they figured it out.

My mom actually adopted Lucy when we were still living in Canada. Someone had found her in an abandoned factory when she was a few months old. She was trapped in a machine and covered with oil. I guess that set of lungs is the only thing she could use to call for help, and it worked! Now she uses her loud voice to annoy my parents in the morning while they're still trying to sleep.

Lucy and I get along really well. It took a while for me to get used to her, but now we are great friends. We like to play, and I like to give her baths. Sometimes this gives me hairballs, but that's ok. I don't mind.
Me giving Lucy a bath.
Usually, Lucy has a bit of an attitude problem. She doesn't really like to be petted, and makes messes, and generally acts out. However, lately my mom has been reading an awesome blog about cats called The Way of Cats ( And they have lots of different stuff about how cats have different personality types, and how to talk to them and respond to their needs properly, and Lucy has been loosening up, not causing so much trouble, wanting to play more, and seeking more affection. Well, yesterday, she followed in MY footsteps, and has started to become a mommy.

That's one of her babies in her bed. 

See, a while ago, when my parents realized I wanted a baby, I would drag my mommy's Canada mittens around the house in my mouth while making loud whining noises. Well yesterday Lucy did that sound with one of her toys in her mouth! I'm so glad that she's finally relaxing enough to feel comfortable acting that way! My mom was super happy about it too!

This is the toy she was carrying around.
She sometimes likes to take naps with it too.
It's kind of crazy, because usually Lucy likes to play fetch with her toys:

Usually she just brings the toys over and drops them in front of you (or on you if you're sitting on the floor like my mom likes to do), and just stares at you until you throw them.

Who could say no to those eyes?
But now we all realize that she's not just playing with them. She's playing WITH them. Sure she likes to chase them around, but she also bats them around. I think she's trying to do a bit of kitty play fighting with them. Daddy also thinks she likes to play fetch because she treats her toy babies as 'prey' that she has caught and brings back to my parents as a present. Bizarre, but cute...just like most of what Lucy does!

She also likes to give them baths and chew on them a bit.
She hasn't quite got the gentle part of being a mommy yet.

Anyways, I'm super proud that my little sister has grown up and become a mommy like me. Of course, she still can't figure out how to pull doors open, but hey! One step at a time.

I hope you enjoyed my update!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Introducing Maxwell!

Hi everyone,

So, I haven't posted much lately, and I'm sorry. Things got crazy around dad's trying to find a job, and my mom got sick, and it was just all so busy!

But now I'm back, and I figured you might want to meet my other baby. I'd had Chester for a while, and being his mom was fantastic. I thought about adopting another, and when I saw this little guy in the corner, I fell in love with him. His name is Maxwell:

My mom says he's a 'stuffed mummy', whatever that is. 
This is a picture from when Chester and Maxwell met:

Cats are like dogs, because they like to sniff bums a lot. 
Maxwell and Chester like to play together a lot. Here's a picture of them playing with some socks:

Socks are good to play with!
Here's a picture of them napping together on a pair of my mom's pants:

If they're going to be adopted cats,
they need to learn how to nap properly.
And here's another picture of us all together. I was supervising their first meeting, just to make sure everything went smoothly.

My mom always gets my good side. 

As you can see, they get along really well, which makes me happy. I'm glad my babies have some company for when I'm not around. 

My mom was surprised when I adopted Maxwell. She wondered why he was in the middle of the floor, and when she picked him up, she realized I had been grooming him, and let me have him. Which is nice of her, because before I took him in, he was hers. I don't know why she was so surprised. He's so could I resist?!

There are more of these 'stuffed animals' in my parents' room, and I might adopt more in the future, but for now I enjoy taking care of just Chester and Maxwell, moving them around to their various activities, keeping them clean, and giving them love. 

I hope you enjoyed meeting Maxwell!


Monday, August 20, 2012

Panda Takes Over


As some of you may know I have been living upstairs on my own for quite some time now, avoiding the likes of Lila. Recently my parents have decided that I need to come downstairs and get used to her. Well, I disagree, so I don't feel like talking to any people right now. I don't want to be rude though, so I am allowing a guest post from another cat. She's just as bitter as I am.


That's me.
Good day,

I am here to replace Sally for the day. I am a Persian, so I'm the obvious choice when you want to upgrade. My name is Panda. You must be interested in what I do all day, so I will take time out of my very important schedule to allow you to worship at my paws.

Sally's mom knows one of my people. Her name is Sandra. Sandra and her family are the servants of 4 of us cats.
See this book? I'm more important.

I am the oldest of the cats. That means I'm in charge. I have opinions and when I want something, I get it. If I want to get some attention and pats, I just take them unapologetically.

I like to sit on the humans things just to remind that that nothing is more important than me.

Playing with random objects and scratching things are my other past-times. I do like to cuddle...on my own terms. I'm not afraid to let you know I'm done with a hiss and a swipe.

See, this one time I was sleeping here.

Then Sandra wanted to sit down so she moved me.
I did not approve.

When she sat down in my spot, I sat
on her lap to let her know this was
still my area. How dare she. 

The other cats are of far less importance than I am, but I have insights into them. I see everything that goes on around this gilded cage I'm trapped in. Sometimes I acknowledge their presence, but for the most part I ignore them.

Scully, with the potential of disdain
for people in her eyes. 
Scully is the next oldest at 5 years old. She's a Himalayan Persian, and she gets sick a lot. The humans are always trying to hold her even though she hates it. But I see her letting them pet her when she's sleeping or eating, so I feel less bad because she's clearly a traitor. She likes to express her mild displeasure by peeing on things. I keep telling her she should just scratch things up but she doesn't listen. Nobody listens to me.

See how I scratched that up?
That shows the people who's in charge. 

Look at the love in those eyes. Pathetic.
Izzy is 3 years old, but acts like a kitten. I find her to be very bizarre and I know that she's clearly a traitor. She actually lets the people carry her around for lengths of time! She communicates her feelings to them with whines, not hisses. She's become so dependent on them and their affection that she won't eat unless they're touching her. Honestly. And she'll only accept pats if she's on Sandra's daddy's bed. Seriously? Where did they find this thing? How she became so possessive of the people I don't know. And I'd like to know why too. She's a mystery that one.

So massive for such a young kitten. His fur is a pretty colour
though...I'll give him that much.
Brutus is the baby. I don't know if he's a cat or a dog. He just eats all the time and is obsessed with food. If he wants to be petted, he takes it, but he doesn't demand a lot. I ignore him less than I ignore the other ones because he's only 6 months old, so he's trainable. Sometimes I let him play with me. This will be the easiest way to teach him how to be a proper cat. He will eventually be my trainee, and will one day become my minion. I will use this to my advantage against everyone who does not bend to my will...

This is me playing with a banjo string.
This is me letting Brutus join me in
playing with the banjo string so he
will become my b*tch one day.

Anyways. I've told you too much already. Why are humans always bugging me? It's time for you to go away now. Go away...bye bye!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Chester: On, In, and Under

Hey everyone!

Sorry I haven't been around in a while. My people had some crazy stuff going on, so I couldn't get at the computer to share more photos of Chester with you!

Today I thought I'd share with you some of the more interesting places I've put Chester. He definitely enjoys hanging out on, in, or under things, like:

Plastic Bags!
He really likes shoes.

All cats like sleeping upside down every once in awhile.
At least, in this house they do!

That is my mom's vest that fell on the floor once.

That's my daddy's shirt!

He likes beer.

On the cat bed!
I'm Lucy's big sister so I know when she needs a cuddle and a good bath,
so I helped her out with those things on this day.

 Under the recliner!
I tried to take him all the way under to sleep with me, but he got stuck.

Chester likes doing different things everyday, and I try to keep his activities exciting by switching it up whenever I can! I hope you liked my pictures!

Next time, I'm going to have a guest blog by a cat I know through one of my mom's friends. Stay tuned!


Monday, July 23, 2012


hello? hello!!!

where am i? what's this place?

a blog? what's that? all i see are pictures of sally and her talking about cute stuff.

i do cute stuff! i do lots of cute stuff cuz i'm the littlest cat in this house. i'm the baby! do you want to see some of my cute stuff?? ya? OKAY!!

sometimes i squeeze under the furniture to hide from lucy or go to sleep. sometimes i chase bugs under there. my people think that's cute!

this is my banana toy! it has stuff in it that makes me feel all loopy. i like it! i don't know where it is right now though...

sometimes when i'm lying down or sleeping i hang my paws off of things. my people laugh at me. do you think that's funny? i hope so!

i also like to sleep upside down! HAHAHA!

i also like to sleep in this tube! i sleep a lot...

i like to collect things too! i take them and put them near my tube and then i play with them! This was the time i stole a potholder and a cord. LOL!

do you want to see more?

WAIT! i see a fly...i...i gotta go get it!!

next time i come i'll bring more pictures! promise!!!

i love you!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Introducing Chester

Hello again all,

I figured that since this blog is about Chester, I should introduce him and tell you a little bit about why I adopted him.

I have lots of motherly instincts, but since I can't have my own babies (silly humans had me fixed!), I have in the past adopted various items, usually mittens. When my mommy lived with her parents, I adopted some of her mom's mittens and gloves and would take them up to my mommy's room for safekeeping. Then when we moved down here to Georgia, it was winter and my mommy had her Team Canada mittens sitting out on the steps and I adopted those as my babies. I would drag them around at night and my parents would come downstairs in the morning and find them all around our apartment. They finally decided to replace the mittens with a baby for me so I would have something that looked like me to love. That brought Chester into our home.

Me with Chester on a dining room chair
 I loved Chester right away so I adopted him as my baby. I like him because he's orange and I have orange fur too! I make mommy meowing sounds when I'm looking for him, then I pick him up and carry him around. He needs his exercise after all! That's why I put him on one of my mommy's exercise magazines one day after she was done using it to workout. This was his first random baby picture:

Chester on a page of a Jillian Michaels' workout in a magazine
Yes, I really did put him there like that, and surprised my mom when she came back downstairs after having a shower. I don't know why she was laughing so much. I guess she's easily amused. Now I like to put Chester on top of random things. He needs variety in his activities!

In addition to carrying Chester around, I like to give him baths too. My mom has seen me do this, but I usually stop when she watches me because it's a little embarrassing. But she tells me she can tell that I do it because where I lick Chester feels different than the rest of his fur.

I hope you enjoyed my introduction of Chester to you! Stay tuned for more pictures to come!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hi, my name is Sally...

I'm a ten year old cat. My people are Amanda and Daric. I enjoy napping in laundry baskets and hiding under the bed. I'm also a really good mouser, and I'm a lover, not a fighter.

This is me!

Amanda is my mommy and she's had me for my whole life. She was there when I was born. She loves to cuddle and pet me and I like to sit on her chest and purr.

Daric is my daddy and he adopted me after he married my mom. He likes to cuddle too, and sometimes I like to stick my bum in his face. I like to play fight with him.

I have my own babies. My Chester is an orange baby cat my parents got me. I like to lick him and move him around my rooms. I have recently adopted another baby, a stuffed toy Mummy named Maxwell. Sometimes I put my babies together and sometimes I separate them.

For some reason my parents like to take pictures of me and my babies and where I put them. I guess this amuses them. So I told them maybe other people might like to see my babies and the odd places they end up and that they should make me a blog.

If you're anything like them, you'll be easily amused by my motherly antics too.

I hope you enjoy! ~Sally